Monday, February 13, 2012

Sara wants to know if a penguin can help rewire our brains.

I read an article this weekend about a program in a school that uses a program with a penguin called "Jiji." This particular program is intended to help students learn math through music.  The creators of the  program maintain that by using this program we can "re-wire" the children's brains and help them to think logically.  This program enables each child to learn at their own pace.  As they feel more confident about a particular math skill and as they pass certain test requirements, the student can move onto the next math skill.
I have mixed feelings about this program.  The great part of the program is that it is not only teaching them knowledge they will need for testing, but they are teaching the students to think for themselves and make real life decision.   For example,  if the students feels  comfortable enough to move onto the next topic they can do just that.  Another great aspect of this program, is that it appeals to all different types of learners and enables the students to move at their own pace.  The only thing that worries me about this program is that the teacher is not an integral part of their learning anymore.  The teacher receives print outs of each students progress and the computer tells him/her which students are struggling with which particular math skill.  
Do you think that this computer program is a good idea to have in a classroom?    Do you think that each student is learning basic skills through the use of a computer program? Do you think that computer programs like this make the teacher obsolete?   Do you feel that all students can learn in this manner………….using a computer program, that is?
In your estimation………………where does the teacher fit into all of this?    Let me know what you think!


  1. I feel as long as the computer programming is beneficial when used correctly. Their should be time for discussions as well as guided practice with teacher interaction. If a teacher is using this to "get out" of teaching then I feel as if they need a career change because pure computer programming will not help all students learn the material.

  2. This seems like a great program for added instruction or practice on a lesson just learned or as an introduction to a new lesson. It is a great addition but definitely will not replace the teacher. When reading this the first thing that came to my mind was the flipped classroom.

  3. I like this programs intentions but should be a supplemental tool for the classroom. I personally don't think that this would replace a teacher but may take the place of a teacher at home which to me would be very beneficial. With all the different types of learners that are out there there will always be a demand for teachers. I think this program would cater to multiple learning styles and is very good for the independent learner but sometimes students like myself like the teacher experience and like to be able to hand write examples and work it out rather than click on an answer and hope its right. In person experiences go much more in depth.
