Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lisa is concerned about the new anti-bullying mandates

           I read an article the other day that stated that the state of New Jersey is having difficulty financing all aspects of the new anti-bullying law.   There are different mandates that are not going to be covered unless the New Jersey State Legislature allocates more money to all of the school districts in New Jersey.      Some of the mandates that are part of this new law (which took effect on September 1, 2011) are the following:    a) school districts must institute anti-bullying programs;  b) school districts must conduct faculty and staff  training; and counseling opportunities must be available for students when a bullying scenario is  identified.
            Do you think it is necessary for schools to receive state money in order to implement  state mandates?  Or do you feel that school districts should provide their own funding for these programs?  Do you think that the state legislature should alter this new law so that there are not as many mandates to which school districts must adhere?   Do you think it is necessary for school districts to address the issue of bullying in school?   Do you believe that bullying actually exists in our schools?   If so, then how can we prevent bullying?    Please share any ideas, opinions, or concerns you have.


  1. In the past few years the issue of bullying seems to have been coming up more and more for a number of factors including the increase in young suicides seeming to have come from the effects of the victim being bullied in the school setting. With state legislatures now mandating the implementation of anti-bullying programs, it only seems appropriate that the state be held responsible for funding these mandates. If the school so chooses to go beyond what the state is asking, they should then be in charge of providing their own funding. Though the anti-bullying programs may at first seem intense, I don't think it would be necessary for the state legislature to alter the new law so that there are not as many mandates... it is obvious that each law is well thought out with the well-being of the students in mind. However, even with these new mandates having been in place, the issue of bullying is still there. In my opinion, bullying has been and will be an issue and part of the educational environment for as long as "kids are kids." It is very hard to prevent bullying when it in fact takes place even more outside the classroom, specifically in the form of cyberbullying; a form of bullying much more difficult to have a grasp and influence on as an educator.

  2. Bullying is a major issue in schools and is finally being properly addressed. In my opinion the schools should receive state aid for a state mandate and not have to put out much or any money at all. Some school budgets are tight and receiving state aid for this program will ensure that it is properly set up and run. I don't think it needs to be altered because from a powerpoint I had to read to get my substitute certificate in West Essex it seems that there is a proper way to deal with any and all incidents involving bullying. I think it is very important for issues to be dealt with in the schools ASAP because I have seen students who have been bullied, they are not happy and worry free, they always have to watch their back and are always in fear, students should feel safe and welcomed in school. Bullying defiantly exists in schools and out of school. This program should help prevent or minimize bullying because there is a no tolerance policy meaning suspension, or expulsion depending on the severity.

  3. Bullying in schools is a very big concern for educators and parents, alike. It seems that this issue has taken the spotlight in education's news. In my opinon, I believe that the state should mandate more funds to districts to implement the appropriate actions and strategies, in order to control this issue. I agree with what Amanda said about if a school chooses to go beyond what the state is asking, then they should be the ones who make up the difference in funds. Unfortunately, bullying has been in our school systems for many years, but the proper actions have not always been taken. Schools have been under much scruitiny because of this fact. In order to protect our students, schools must be able to have the right action plan for anti-bullying. I think that there should be at least one seminar every year for students to attend, in order to get the "talk" about how bullying affects others. There must also be some consequences that will affect the students in a way that will make them think twice about bullying others. For example, athletes would not be able to play for the rest of the season if they are caught bullying others. If something they enjoy doing is affected, then they will think twice about bullying.

    1. Bullying in schools is a huge issue throughout the country. I believe that the state should provide more funds to the school districts so they are able to provide the care to their students that is necessary and protect them from bullying. I do not feel that the state should have to amend their law. I do believe that bullying exists in schools. I have witnessed bullying in my observations and also in my years in the school system. The state is headed in the right direction with this new anti-bullying law, this i agree with. Although, since the school districts are finding that they do not have enough funds to fulfill the requirements of the law, I feel as though some aspects of the law will be overlooked. In this way, the state must step up and support the law that they created and passed.

  4. First off bullying in schools is not something new, it has been happening since the formation of schools long ago. You get so many young kids together in a certain area, they are going to act like kids. In my opinion the state should fund NO money to the schools in order to support the bullying act instead they should hire teachers and other employees who are active in the school and care about the overall well being of the students. You do not need programs and training on bullying, everyone knows what to look out for we all went to middle school once in our lifetime! We just need teachers who care and watch the hallways when classes are changing and speak up to children who are not acting appropriately as well as stopping bullying at the first hint of it. Bullying is not a new concept young kids are bringing in today , it has always happened and it always will happen – no amount of money or training will help this problem, the only thing we could do is be active and aware of what is going on in our classroom, hallways and campuses.

  5. My honest opinion is that no money can put a stop to bullying. Bullying has been occuring in our schools for a very long time and teachers as well as administration can create programs and assemblies in order to address this issue; however, the students doing the bullying won't listen or care about anything. The only thing that I have noticed to make a positive difference towards the decrease of bullying are uniforms. I feel uniforms can make a significant change. The students in the schools I attended when I was younger were allowed to wear regular clothes. Everyone would wear their best outfit on the first day of school and after the holidays; but, for those who weren't as wealthy it tough because they would get picked on. Currently, the students at these same schools are in uniform and I have noticed a significant decrease when it came to bullying. All the students have something in common, their clothes for school and now students can't get picked on for not being able to buy that new sweater everyone has or the newest sneakers, etc. I know it is not the only aspect of bullying but it is one of great importance and one that didn't cost tons of money to implement.
